Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New outfit : Turquoise Denim

Posted by Unknown at 10:45 AM

For the new year, one of my resolutions is to try something new each day. Finding new options is easier when I try using items that make me a little nervous, items I have not tried before. One of the trends that I’m getting myself into is bright denim. As many of you know, denim in bright colors and shades was a huge trend last spring/summer and it will continue to be big again this year.
I have never worn any light color denim before because I’m just too self-conscious about my legs. But sometimes you have to take the insecurity you have and tip it on its head. Everyone has a little issue (or two) with their body and no one is perfect. I’m stepping out of my boundaries to try something new for myself and you should too! Have a lovely day everyone!! 


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